Don Egan podcast

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Refugees receive Jesus!

RSVP visited refugees in Rwanda's Kagera region last week, taking three tons of food and other aid to those in need. During the delivery, Don Egan was asked to speak to an assembled crowd of about 1,000 people.

Despite the interruption of a snake in the crowd, 25 people accepted Jesus into their life, as Don Egan shared about Jesus statement: "If anyone is thirsty, let him come to Me and drink".

We really thank RSVP friends and partners who made this possible.

RSVP Emergency relief convoy

Thanks to our generous partners, RSVP has just delivered 3 tons of emergency food to refugees expelled from Tanzania into Rwanda.

The convoy included the local deputy Mayor who introduced us to the refugee leaders. We left Kigali at 7.30am for the 3 hour journey to the refugee camp. The last several miles, were driven across open bush country.

These people, largely forgotten by the world were very excited by our visit and obviously grateful for the delivery of these emergency supplies of food. Thank you partners.

8,000 refugees return to Rwanda

Tanzania has expelled more than 8,000 refugees across its border with Rwanda. Some of the refugees have been out of Rwanda for 30 years.

Don Egan and his team visited the refugees in the camp in the Kagera region of Rwanda. More below.

House of Mercy - latest

I stopped off on a mercy mission to refugees, last week, to check on the progress of our orphange building project - the House of Mercy. Workmen were busy installing window frames and getting ready to pour the cement floor. Plumbing and electrics are also being installed.

We have now sent the final payment of £6,000+ to our partner Africa New Life Ministries who will manage the house. The home will house 16 orphans and employ a 'mother' for them.

We now need to raise 16 sponsors for the children. Each child will need about £55 a month to meet their educational, medical and basic needs.

If you would like to sponsor one of the children please contact us today.

Street Boys learn a skill

It was great to see the older boys at our Street Kids rescue project, in Rwanda, learning a new skill. Thanks to the tools we sent out in a container last year, the older boys, who feel its too late to go to school, are learning a vocational skill which will help them in later life.

Some of the boys shared their stores of how they were violent, abusive and addicted to drugs. but when they were connected to our project they heard about Jesus and a God of love who cared for them. They began to realise that there is hope, even for them and that they don't have to live a destructive lifestyle.
These boys in the picture are all learning carpentry.

We are just shipping out the next container which includes car repair tools to start a car repair training workshop for the boys. We are currently try to raise £800 for the shipping costs.

If you would like to help you can make a donation here.

Street Kids project feeds 200 kids!

Last week I visited our RSVP Street Kids rescue project in Rwanda. This project is in partnership with Africa New Life Ministries. RSVP fully funds this project which feeds about 200 street children twice a week. We also fund a worker who visits the kids on the street and builds relationships.

It was a real privilege to speak to the children and give them hope for the future. My great friends from Sheffield - the Freespirit team - really blessed the children, playing games and also praying with the kids. "No one has ever prayed for us before!" the children told us.