Don Egan podcast

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Beautiful on the Mountains - NEW BOOK

The autobiography of Don Egan, founder of the RSVP Trust. When tragedy stuck it looked like it was all over. But then an amzazing oportunity opened up in Africa to transform thousands of lives. And so the RSVP Trust was born.

The book also tells of Don's search for miracles and how the blind received their sight as Don prayed for them. Told with a mixture of humour and gravity the story embraces scenes from Don's childhood in Manchester through to his encounter with the Rwandan genocide.

"The moving story of an ordinary man following the extraordinary call of God. A joyful and tearful roller-coaster that will cause you to reflect about your own life.''
J.John - The Philo Trust


Book - Price £7.99

Monday, September 17, 2007

Don Egan & RSVP are now on Facebook...

View the Don Egan/RSVP Facebook pages at:

You may have to join Facebook to see this profile.

There is an RSVP Group for friends of RSVP. Join this group for special news updates.

RSVP on Myspace

RSVP now has its own myspace! at:

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Paul Poulton runs London Marathon for RSVP

The marathon went really well, thank you to everyone who sponsored me, the Rwandan orphans and the RSVP Trust will be blessed by your willingness to give and I'm sure the Lord is pleased.

Marathon day was a hot day, in fact I heard it was the hottest London marathon ever, so most people were running slow, which meant we were running for a long time, almost 5 hours. It was hard to get past people and you have to go with the flow, quite a lot slowed right down.

One in seven people were treated by the medical people for heat related problems. But the crowd support was excellent and very encouraging: "Cam on my san" as they say in London.

There were a lot of bands playing music along the way and some church bands were playing songs too. At one pub there was a very realistic Elvis singer, I enjoyed that, and a hot blues band at another, the music helps to spur you on, so many different styles of music, the Sikh drummers were fabulous, the Jazz bands and brass bands all helped, Music is such a great encouragement that God has given to us.

I met some great people as we all ran together, I got talking to one guy from New Jersey, he was doing his one hundred and first marathon.

The marathon is run over 26.2 miles, and because we were running so slowly my legs started to hurt around mile 13, the last 6 miles were tough but the Holy Spirit was with me, the Parakletos: "One who draws alongside to help". The Holy Spirit kept me going as He drew along side to help me.

My legs hurt little bit more with every successive mile, but I managed to keep going without stopping to walk which I was glad about. There's also no doubt about it, people who had sponsored me also kept me going, I was also thinking, "I hope these Rwandan kids appreciate this".

It's quite emotional too, the crowds really get behind the runners, and when you cross the finish line, it's easy to see how some runners collapse as emotional wrecks.

Running the marathon is a great parallel to running the race of faith, keep going, it gets hard some times but the Holy Spirit will draw alongside to help. Be aware that He is there and call out to Him, till we all get to that finish line. I'm also grateful for the scripture verses that people reminded me about, that helped too.

The day before the marathon Lorraine, Isaac and I spent some time in London and we had lunch at some beautiful fountains that people could walk in and out of, I noticed that there was a plaque at the fountains that quoted Psalm 1:3 "He is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither. Whatever he does prospers." I thought about those words and trusted God to prosper me, and get me to the finish-line.

Paul Poulton

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Eyesight restored by prayer!

Don Egan has been travelling round the UK recently. On one weekend at All Saints Anchorsholme, near Blackpool, Don preached about healing and held a series of meeting with the ministry team.

On Sunday, Don preached at both services - morning and evening. The evening meeting was a healing service and many came from other churches to hear Don speak.
After the ministry time, several people said they had been healed instantly of various pains and sickness.

Perhaps the most remarkable is the story of a lady who had lost her sight 20 years ago and as she went out of the meeting, she became aware that her sight was returning. (See letter below).

On another weekend, Don and Hazel visited Surrey and their friend Anthony Delaney at St Mary’s West Horsley. At the traditional 9am service, most of the congregation came forward for healing, including the whole of the robed choir.

At the second service- a contemporary service in a school hall, Don again preached on healing and many came forward for prayer. One man with a very painful knee injury, said the pain all went as Don prayed. Others told of healings of various pains and sicknesses.

Dear Don
Just a brief note. At Sunday evening’s service, I asked for people to report back on the previous Sunday. Irene got up and gave testimony to her healing.

She is a woman in her 60’s who has only partial sight. She can see, but not detail of people’s faces. This happened to her suddenly nearly 20 years ago. She told me that she woke up the morning after her baptism and she could no longer see. Since that time she said that she’s not seen her daughter’s face or anyone else. She has built up a mental picture from people’s voices as to how she imagines they look.

As she left the healing service a week ago, she was able to see someone’s face. At first she didn’t believe it, but over the week her vision has got better. She spoke very movingly in the service of how she saw her daughter’s face for the first time in nearly 20 years, how she could go shopping and read price tags, how she read 20 pages of one of your books while before she’d struggled to read a single paragraph of anything. And she said how she was now seeing people for the first time who she only knew by their voices! Praise God.

Rev Peter Nunn
All Saints Anchorsholme.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Refugees receive Jesus!

RSVP visited refugees in Rwanda's Kagera region last week, taking three tons of food and other aid to those in need. During the delivery, Don Egan was asked to speak to an assembled crowd of about 1,000 people.

Despite the interruption of a snake in the crowd, 25 people accepted Jesus into their life, as Don Egan shared about Jesus statement: "If anyone is thirsty, let him come to Me and drink".

We really thank RSVP friends and partners who made this possible.

RSVP Emergency relief convoy

Thanks to our generous partners, RSVP has just delivered 3 tons of emergency food to refugees expelled from Tanzania into Rwanda.

The convoy included the local deputy Mayor who introduced us to the refugee leaders. We left Kigali at 7.30am for the 3 hour journey to the refugee camp. The last several miles, were driven across open bush country.

These people, largely forgotten by the world were very excited by our visit and obviously grateful for the delivery of these emergency supplies of food. Thank you partners.

8,000 refugees return to Rwanda

Tanzania has expelled more than 8,000 refugees across its border with Rwanda. Some of the refugees have been out of Rwanda for 30 years.

Don Egan and his team visited the refugees in the camp in the Kagera region of Rwanda. More below.

House of Mercy - latest

I stopped off on a mercy mission to refugees, last week, to check on the progress of our orphange building project - the House of Mercy. Workmen were busy installing window frames and getting ready to pour the cement floor. Plumbing and electrics are also being installed.

We have now sent the final payment of £6,000+ to our partner Africa New Life Ministries who will manage the house. The home will house 16 orphans and employ a 'mother' for them.

We now need to raise 16 sponsors for the children. Each child will need about £55 a month to meet their educational, medical and basic needs.

If you would like to sponsor one of the children please contact us today.

Street Boys learn a skill

It was great to see the older boys at our Street Kids rescue project, in Rwanda, learning a new skill. Thanks to the tools we sent out in a container last year, the older boys, who feel its too late to go to school, are learning a vocational skill which will help them in later life.

Some of the boys shared their stores of how they were violent, abusive and addicted to drugs. but when they were connected to our project they heard about Jesus and a God of love who cared for them. They began to realise that there is hope, even for them and that they don't have to live a destructive lifestyle.
These boys in the picture are all learning carpentry.

We are just shipping out the next container which includes car repair tools to start a car repair training workshop for the boys. We are currently try to raise £800 for the shipping costs.

If you would like to help you can make a donation here.

Street Kids project feeds 200 kids!

Last week I visited our RSVP Street Kids rescue project in Rwanda. This project is in partnership with Africa New Life Ministries. RSVP fully funds this project which feeds about 200 street children twice a week. We also fund a worker who visits the kids on the street and builds relationships.

It was a real privilege to speak to the children and give them hope for the future. My great friends from Sheffield - the Freespirit team - really blessed the children, playing games and also praying with the kids. "No one has ever prayed for us before!" the children told us.

Monday, March 26, 2007

Mission of Hope to Rwanda - April 2007

On the 5th April 2007, the day after my 50th birthday (!) I will be taking my youngest daughter, Heather (18), to Rwanda for a weeks mission.

We will be visiting all the RSVP projects and I will also be speaking to staff groups at ANLM - our partners in Rwanda. I will also be speaker at a Leader's breakfast and in churches.

Our Gifts of Hope distribution is likely to be radical this time - thousands of refugees have been evicted from Tanzania, back to their homeland. As they streamed across the border they have settled near where we have most of our projects. ANLM have asked us to stretch our faith to bring a large fund for Gift of Hope for the refugees.

Along with the team from Freespirit (Sheffield) we hope to take out £10,000 to meet urgent needs of the refugees. Some have been out of the country for 30 years and have arrived back with nothing but the clothes they stand up in.

Please pray - that we will be allowed access to the area - the government is obviously keen the western media don't see the problem and unsettle investors with stories of instability.

- for the safety, success and anointing of the team.

Monday, March 12, 2007

House of mercy update

We are really grateful to those who have given to the House of Mercy orphanage project in Rwanda. The costs have slightly increased for various reasons beyond our control.

We have however, just sent £5,000 to Rwanda to keep the building work moving and this will cover most of the remaining costs.

An additional, £1,000 plus will be required for completion of the project which should be sent in April.

This picture shows the progress as it was at the beginning of March. We hope to have the 16 children who will live there, in the house very soon. The need is so urgent.

Full details of this project can be found at

Rwanda Mission FEB 2007

Alison and Richard Fenning have recently returned from their Mission of Hope to Rwanda. He are a few pictures of their mission.

Alison ministered to women involved in Rwanda's sex trade. Alison also ministered to other women in poverty during the mission.

At every meeting women came forward to receive Jesus into their hearts. The meetings were held at Kigali Family Centre which is sponsored by The RSVP Trust.

Alsion and Richard also used RSVP Gifts of Hope funds to feed the poor and hungry who are living in severe poverty. Richard also prayed with people during the feeding programme, that God would meet other urgent needs.

Later in the mission, Alison and Richard held a day conference with chaplains and evangelists working with Prison Fellowship Rwanda. These chaplains are not paid and live by faith. RSVP is helping the chaplains and evangelists meet basic needs so that their ministry can continue. We do this through our ongoing partnership with Prison Fellowship Rwanda.

Thursday, March 01, 2007

Changes to Child Sponsorship

We are busy this week working on changes to the way we sponsor children's education in Rwanda. Our problems are ones created by success!

Many of the little children we started to help years ago are now attending High School which costs more than we charge! A few of the older ones have left for college or university and need help with that, which is more again.

We are just working on a new 3 grade sponsorship programme - Primary, Secondary and College.

We will be writing to all our sponsors soon.

For more information have a look at:

Saturday, February 24, 2007

Singer to Run Marathon

Long time friend of The RSVP Trust, Paul Poulton, has just announced he is to run in the London Marathon to raise funds for the RSVP trust.

He writes:

Hello People

I've been offered a place in this year's London Marathon (22 April).

They are hard to get as the London Marathon is the largest in the world and most popular. I thought I could run it and help raise some funds for a Christian charity who have been helping the orphans in Rwanda. The orphans are growing up now and are teenagers which brings it's own set of problems, so the charity is still with them through this phase of their life. The charity is called RSVP and is run by the Anglican evangelist Don Egan.


You can find out more about Paul on his website

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Coming up...

For those of you wondering what we're getting up to, this is what's coming up for us...
20 - Outreach to women in Ipswich
21 - Alison & Richard return from Rwanda
25 - 10:30am Don preaching @ St Mary’s Combs
27 - Outreach to women in Ipswich
28 - Easter team @ travel clinic
04 - 6pm - Don preaching at St Peter’s Stowmarket
06 - Outreach to women in Ipswich
13 - Outreach to women in Ipswich
18 - 10:45am Don preaching at Alburugh Chapel Norfolk
20 - Outreach to women in Ipswich
25 - 10:30am Don preaching @ St Mary’s Combs
27 - Outreach to women in Ipswich
05-13 Don & Heather in Rwanda

Monday, February 19, 2007


My latest book ‘Spiritual Detox’ is now at the printers and will soon be available from the office or the website, price £5. J.John said of the book -

'Toxic attitudes and actions have polluted our lives and relationships and we think if we just detox our bodies we will be healthier - Don Egan has hit the nail on the head in this refreshing and relevant book to help us detox our minds, hearts and our souls.''

More at
RSVP Trust


Alison and Richard will also be checking on the progress of the construction of the RSVP House of Mercy orphanage. The building is up but we need to install the plumbing and electrics and various finishing jobs. We are waiting for the detailed budget statement but we estimate another £5,000 at least is needed.