Don Egan has been travelling round the UK recently. On one weekend at All Saints Anchorsholme, near Blackpool, Don preached about healing and held a series of meeting with the ministry team.
On Sunday, Don preached at both services - morning and evening. The evening meeting was a healing service and many came from other churches to hear Don speak.
After the ministry time, several people said they had been healed instantly of various pains and sickness.
Perhaps the most remarkable is the story of a lady who had lost her sight 20 years ago and as she went out of the meeting, she became aware that her sight was returning. (See letter below).
On another weekend, Don and Hazel visited Surrey and their friend Anthony Delaney at St Mary’s West Horsley. At the traditional 9am service, most of the congregation came forward for healing, including the whole of the robed choir.
At the second service- a contemporary service in a school hall, Don again preached on healing and many came forward for prayer. One man with a very painful knee injury, said the pain all went as Don prayed. Others told of healings of various pains and sicknesses.
Dear Don
Just a brief note. At Sunday evening’s service, I asked for people to report back on the previous Sunday. Irene got up and gave testimony to her healing.
She is a woman in her 60’s who has only partial sight. She can see, but not detail of people’s faces. This happened to her suddenly nearly 20 years ago. She told me that she woke up the morning after her baptism and she could no longer see. Since that time she said that she’s not seen her daughter’s face or anyone else. She has built up a mental picture from people’s voices as to how she imagines they look.
As she left the healing service a week ago, she was able to see someone’s face. At first she didn’t believe it, but over the week her vision has got better. She spoke very movingly in the service of how she saw her daughter’s face for the first time in nearly 20 years, how she could go shopping and read price tags, how she read 20 pages of one of your books while before she’d struggled to read a single paragraph of anything. And she said how she was now seeing people for the first time who she only knew by their voices! Praise God.
Rev Peter Nunn
All Saints Anchorsholme.
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